The Jaw and Neck Revolution:
Celebrities Are Saying Goodbye to Botox & Face Lifts
(It’s not what you think)
This Best Kept Beauty Community Secret Is Now A Viral Sensation.
Selling Thousands Globally...MyoGlow Is Giving Neck Lifts & Botox a Run for Their Money.

By Tawni L.H.

16th of August, 2023

Jennifer Aniston, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian…

What do they have in common?
They’re all strong, independent women who are wildly successful in their careers.

But, we also know that they’re praised for their gorgeous, stunning looks.

If you’re like me…

You’ll assume that they rely on their on-demand makeup artists and Instagram filters to get that flawless, almost effortless “glow up” that you see online.


There’s a skin care secret they might not be telling you...

Because the lesser known way to get that glowy, sculpted jaw and neck look isn’t by spending hours in that makeup chair…

Or using filters…

Or skincare treatments like dermabrasion…

Or even botox!

It’s all from non-invasive spa technology that celebrities swear by.

And, if these treatments are good enough for them, it's good enough for me!
“I Feel Like I’m Looking At A
Stranger In The Mirror!”
I never thought I’d be so concerned about aging.

I used to take my youthful appearance for granted.

But, there I was, staring at my reflection in the mirror…feeling anxious and unhappy.

I’ve always been a little self-conscious about how I looked…


The sagging skin on my neck…

The loss of definition in my jawline…

And the fine lines that seem to multiply by the day…
… It all made me feel like I’m aging faster than I should be.

“I feel like I’m looking at a stranger in the mirror!”

I felt discouraged and envious as I scrolled through my social media, looking at all the other women who seemed to have it all together.

But, then I saw a post from my childhood friend Sarah.

She’s always been someone I looked up to.

Smart and successful…

But, what caught my attention in this post was how happy and radiant she looked!

She does NOT look her age!

I mean I almost thought that was her daughter in the photo shoot!
I could not believe she's 50!

I needed to know how she managed to look so great.

So I messaged her.

“What’s your secret!?”, I asked.

“Oh, it’s all thanks to MyoGlow", She said. "You've probably seen it on tiktok, it's super viral right now. I use every day!”

At first, I was skeptical.

I’ve already tried so many things in the past and none of them seemed to work.

But, I figured if it worked for her, it might work for me too.

So, I did my research and learned everything I could about this one device Sarah used.

5 Reasons That Convinced Me To Give MyoGlow A Shot.

#1 The Results Happened
Quickly For Her.

Sarah said that within just a few days of using this one beauty device called MyoGlow (by My Derma Dream), she started noticing a big improvement in the texture and tone of her skin.

She said her fine lines disappeared quickly…

Her jawline lifted…

And, her skin looked so toned & smooth.

“But I use it consistently for the best results.” she said.
After hearing Sarah’s positive experience, I had to know more about what it was and how it worked.

I discovered that MyoGlow uses LED therapy to regenerate collagen in your face.

The gentle stimulation quickly lifts the skin around your neck and face.

Leaving you with that sculpted, toned look.

Not only that, but the warm treatment works quickly to plump and smooth out wrinkles…

Giving you a fresh glow that’s hard to achieve with other skincare products.

#2 It’s Gentle On Your Face.

Over the last 3 years, my dermatologist recommended some invasive treatments to uplift my sagging neck and jawline.

The worst part about it was that I had nothing to show for the $4,268.12 I spent…

Worse yet...

Because fillers, and botox all disappear over time they left me looking older than before!

I should have known better than to fall for those expensive beauty treatments.

But, MyoGlow seemed to be perfect for all skin types.

So you know how Cinderella waved her magical wand around and turned into a beautiful princess?

Well, according to some of My Derma Dream’s customers, using the MyoGlow feels just as magical and soothing!

Even though they didn’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight…

They said they felt and LOOKED absolutely gorgeous long after using it.

#3 It Takes Years Off Your Neck, Jaw and Face.

According to My Derma Dream’s website, they used special LED Therapy in MyoGlow.

There’s 3 light modes that do different things for your skin.

The Blue Light: Revitalizes dull skin, fights bacteria, and reduces acne scars for a glowing complexion.

The Green Light: Sculpts and tones your face by promoting lymphatic draining. Reduces swelling and puffiness of your face giving you a slimmer, well-defined face.

The Red Light: Stimulates your skin and supports collagen revitalization. Also helps improve dark spots and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

For the best results, they recommended use of all colors.

Another thing is that they use LED Therapy together with Thermal Technology so that you can get that sculpted, lifted look without the hassle of complicated skin care treatments.

They also say that it can help combat the natural effects of aging…Which is what I needed to hear.

#4 Results From Real Customers.

Before I clicked that “buy now” button, I wanted to see reviews from customers like me who unsuccessfully “tried it all” before using this device.

Here’s what they’re saying:
Elevens Are Fading!
“I’m noticing that the deep lines between my eyebrows are slowly but surely disappearing. I’m so excited that my elevens are fading! I was thinking of getting Botox, but this did the trick! And I didn’t need to spend over $300 on costly injections.” - Ava H.

My Acne Scars Disappeared!
“I’ve always had bad acne scars that made me feel so self-conscious. But I’ve been using this for less than 3 weeks now and my acne scars seem to have disappeared! I don’t need to wear heavy concealer anymore. My face actually looks good now and I’m not cringing when people get near my face. THANKS!” - Sarah G.

"Love, Love, LOVE this!"
“The curved design makes it easier to reach difficult areas of my face… which other devices can’t do. Since using this, my neckline looks so toned and lifted! Love, Love, LOVE this!” - Madison R.
It was fantastic reading about MyoGlow.

It’s clear that this product is the real deal.

#5 More cost effective than the latest techy skincare treatments.

I know there’s a lot of options when choosing the right skincare treatments.

But, here’s what nobody told me:

For these latest techy skincare treatments to actually work…

You need regular treatments.

Which isn’t cost-effective for me when I look at the price of a SINGLE session.
It’s frustrating to feel like I have to choose between looking good…and not putting a dent in my finances.

That’s why having one device that does it all just makes sense for me.

So I decided to add MyoGlow to my shopping cart…
“So... Does It Actually Work?”

I’ve been using it for 4 weeks now, and the only downside is that I wish I found it sooner!

Because it worked quickly to tighten up my neck, lifted my jawline, and gave me the dewy complexion I always wished I had.
I’m getting compliments from my friends and family asking what I’ve been doing because they’ve noticed that I look so healthy and well rested now!

(even when I don’t wear makeup lol)

And, strangers keep complimenting me on how radiant my complexion is.

I’m blushing!

But I’ve gotta say…I didn't get the results overnight.

I consistently used it 5-10 minutes every day for 4 weeks, and I noticed that my stubborn lines on my forehead are quickly disappearing and my age spots are fading really fast too.
"Does it work on all skin types?"

According to their website, it works on all skin types, no matter your age.

Because MyoGlow uses Thermal Technology, AND LED therapy to target different types of skin conditions to give you that shapely, youthful complexion again.
"Why is it shaped like that?"

I love how it looks like a dolphin tail (Dolphins are my favorite animal!).
The ergonomic shape wraps perfectly around my delicate facial curves 160° to get to areas of my neck and jaw that other skincare devices can’t reach.
"What activator serum should I use?"

For my first 10 minute session with MyoGlow, I used the last of my serum that I already had; and it was ok but I could tell it wasn’t gliding that well.

And, then I tried the their new Activator Serum.

… It was so smooth

It glided across my skin like velvet.

In fact, I liked it so much that I now use it as my daily serum.

The Activator Serum has the key ingredient Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) & Gingsign Root Extract.

Both are great for sensitive skin.

And they provide similar anti aging benefits as MyoGlow…

   - Boost Collagen
   - Fills In Fine Lines
   - Evens the skin…
   - And Helps with Blemishes (which is great for my daughter)

Better yet, because Myoglow also helps the serum absorb deeper into the skin, it’s essentially doubling the results.
Here’s why it’s important you buy it at the link below and NOT on their website or amazon…

I almost ordered MyoGlow and the Activator Serum separately, but thankfully I bought them together.

Why? Because when you check out, they have a limited-time offer to get the MyoGlow AND the Activator Serum at a huge discount.

Buy 3 serums (the 90-day supply) for just $13 each.
Meanwhile, it’s usually $30!

Better yet, because 3 serums is a 90-day supply, it goes perfectly with their 90-day guarantee. And, you can try it, and return it if you don’t like it. All they ask is that you pay is shipping and handling, and you get 100% of your money back.
“Does it come with anything else?”
Actually! YES! You’ll Also Get All These Incredible Bonuses:

  • The Founder is giving you his favorite Hydrate & Glow Mask as a free gift. You’ll get 8 treatments… Collagen Facial Masks - for Anti-Aging Effects… Hyaluronic Facial Mask - for Deep Skin Hydration, Plumping & Firming… Vitamin C Facial Mask - for Skin Brightening & Dark Spots… Centella Facial Mask - Reduces Redness & Improves Skin Tone
  • Skin Care MasterClasses Bi-Weekly Events interviews with dermatologists, doctors, estheticians, dieticians, and wellness experts on anti-aging skincare.

  • “Ageless Skin Secrets of Hollywood’s Most Iconic Actresses Over 40” E-book

  • “Feed Your Skin Beautiful: Guide To Healthy Skin, From The Inside Out” E-book

  • And, “Skin Aging: What To Expect And How To Slow It Down. Secrets For Turning Back The Hands Of Time

  • 24/7 Customer Support + 1-on-1 Skin Care Consultations so you can have all your questions and concerns answered by trained professionals via phone, email, or chat

These bonuses alone are worth their weight in gold because it feels like you have your own personal skin care expert at your disposal 24/7.

I must’ve asked a hundred questions since I got my massager and I received my answer within 12-24 hours every single time.

Had I tried to get that level of support from one of the specialists in my local dermatologist, they would probably charge me thousands of dollars.
But this way, I didn’t have to pay a dime.
"What if it doesn’t work for me?"

If you're like me and second guess whether or not it’s worth a try, MyoGlow has a 90 Day Guarantee.

So, in addition to their 1-year free warranty…this means you can try it for 90 days…And if you don’t love it…You can return for a refund!

And with a 55% off discount and a fantastic money back guarantee…This is a common sense choice.

Because MyoGlow combines Hollywood’s latest skincare technologies AND LED therapy in one easy-to-use device that gives you that tight and toned look.

Like you got a facelift in just 10 minutes…without visiting a luxury spa…and without draining your bank account.

And now I can confidently say that I’m in love with my skin again!

My new routine with MyoGlow is now an important part of my daily self-care routine. It’s like a little act of self-love that I look forward to every day.
“I’ve never heard of My Derma Dream… Can I Trust Them?”

Unlike most people I try a LOT of products to support my blogging…

And, I’ve gotta say, when it comes to brands I’ve not heard of I dig in DEEP…

Because the last thing you want is to work with those tik-tok companies that are here today and gone tomorrow…
Instead, you can really tell My Derma Dream is a brand that exists for a reason.

And, I’m not just talking about their nearly 5-Star trust Pilot…

Or their super fast 24/7 customer service…

Or their 1-on-1 Free Expert Consultationswhich you can actually start right after you order today!
… Or get this, as a customer you become part of their community…

There you get to join & participate in Live Masterminds.

They host world class pros in anti-aging such as Dermatologists, Skin Care Formulation Experts & Nutritionists every 2 weeks!

… Even if you can’t join they record it, because the know this is VERY important and deserves to be easy to access.

Additionally, this was shocking to me when I first heard…

… unlike most brands who change their instagram logo for a month and donate, then never talk about charity again….
… My Derma Dream donates during every sale - 365 days a year!

So when you buy, you’re always supporting 3 different charities!

First is the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.
Beautifully Unblemished… a grass roots Vitiligo Foundation who supports children & adults with the rare pigment disease Vitiligo.
As well, because skin care and beauty has taken from us from so many years, telling us to live up to insane standards… They support the mental health & nutrition needs of those less fortunate & starving in the U.S.A. through the Tony Robbins Foundation.
“Is that the only way you can donate?”

No actually they have an incredible program they just started…

You know how most companies will let you add fun products at check out…

Well, My Derma Dream does it differently…

When you add things like Faster Expedited Shipping…

Or special bogo offers on their most popular serums…
No actually they have an incredible program they just started…

You know how most companies will let you add fun products at check out…

Well, My Derma Dream does it differently…

When you add things like Faster Expedited Shipping…

Or special bogo offers on their most popular serums…
“Are there any perks for becoming a Derma Dreamer?”

Yes, and they start right away.

In fact, as soon as you finish your purchase you’ll given exclusive VIP customer discounts you would have otherwise missed out on during this month's sale.

The biggest one is on their flagship product MicroSculpt…

It’s the first big perk, and I recommend you at least read through the article

Because when you learn about how it synergistically works with MyoGlow to speed up your results, you’ll be blown away.
Conclusion: I gotta say, I’m addicted to My Derma Dream & MyoGlow.

It’s a habit I don’t want to break because it made a HUGE difference to contour my face.

And, it gave me that gorgeous complexion I had years ago.

Plus, the compliments I’ve been getting on my glowing skin have been such a confidence boost!

So if you want to try a simple 5-10 minutes routine and get that flawless, ageless skin again…

Without invasive skincare treatments.

And without costing a fortune.

It might be time to treat yourself the right way and try MyoGlow.
I’m no longer surprised by how much people love this device.

It works well to lift & tone, and give you anti-aging effects as well.
After all, sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines are common as we get older.

Most people I know resort to spending HOURS layering on concealer or foundation to hide their skin imperfections.

Or spend $1000s on botox, dermabrasion, chemical peels… or even surgery!

But, by using MyoGlow consistently for 5-10 minutes a day for a few weeks, you can start to see dramatic results…

To help you be confident in your own skin…

And make you fall in love with your reflection again.
This helped me, and I know it can help you too.
Final Tips From The Author

Where can I buy it?
The MyoGlow System Is On Sale Now!
You canbuy it now directly from the company's website by clicking here…
P.s. Hurry before it sells out! Since going viral, they told me they’ve been selling out all the time. So IF you go to the page and it has a big red sign that sais “OUT OF STOCK” you know you’re too late.

p.p.s. here's some more facebook comments I saw about MyoGlow

MyoGlow System™ 
Is On Sale Now

MyoGlow Is The Effortless Way To Retrain Facial Muscles To Support Your Skin

Copyright © MDD. All rights reserved.
"My Derma Dream is not affiliated with or related to NuFACE.

Mentioned celebrities are not affiliated or associated with My Derma Dream and their mention does not imply any endorsement or use of their products."