Stabilized Vitamin-C Known As ‘Stay-C®’ Has Magnificent Brightening Effects on the Skin, According to Skincare Researchers

Stabilized Vitamin-C Known As ‘Stay-C®’ Has Magnificent Brightening Effects on the Skin, According to Skincare Researchers

Vitamin C is known to have incredible effects on the human body. Multiple studies have found that vitamin C is able to support immune function1, reduce infections2, and can even lower the risk of chronic diseases.3 In recent years, however, researchers have also found that certain forms of vitamin C can also dramatically improve the quality of your skin. In this article, we'll put this to the test by examining Stay-C®, a stabilized form of vitamin C. Get ready to learn what Stay-C® is, how it works its magic on your skin, and why it's the top choice of vitamin C for skincare on the market today.

How Is Stay-C® Different From Vitamin C?

When you hear that Stay-C® is a stabilized form of vitamin C, you might be worried you're in for a complicated chemistry lecture. However, I promise you the science behind Stay-C® isn't as tricky to understand as you might think.

Discovered by scientists in the early 2000s, Stay-C® (or sodium ascorbyl phosphate) is the result of extensive research into creating a more effective and durable form of vitamin C. In simple terms, "stabilized" means that Stay-C® has been specially designed to last longer than traditional vitamin C.4 Unlike traditional vitamin C, Stay-C® remains on the skin without breaking down, ensuring it stays effective for a longer period of time. This stability allows the vitamin to penetrate more deeply into the skin and convert into what is known as ascorbic acid.5 This acid is the 'active' form of vitamin C, and when it is activated deep in the skin's tissues, it has a number of glowing, healing effects.

How Stay-C® Can Help To Tighten, Brighten, and Heal Your Skin

Once Stay-C® is converted into ascorbic acid in the skin, this miracle vitamin gets to work tightening, brightening, and detoxing the skin. For example, Stay-C® promotes collagen production by stimulating fibroblasts, the cells responsible for generating collagen in the skin.6 This increases collagen production, helping to strengthen the skin's structure, improve elasticity, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Stay-C® is also a powerful antioxidant, meaning it neutralizes harmful free radicals in the skin.7 Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells in your body, including your skin.8 They are sometimes generated from normal body processes or from external sources, like UV radiation, pollution, and smoking.9 Because free radicals have unpaired electrons, they are highly reactive and can damage cellular structures, proteins, and DNA by stealing electrons from other molecules. This leads to a negative chain reaction known as oxidative stress, causing issues ranging from visible signs of aging10 to hyperpigmentation11 to skin diseases.12

Stay-C® combats these microscopic timebombs by donating electrons to free radicals, effectively stabilizing them and stopping the chain reaction of oxidative stress.13 In this way, Stay-C® helps repair the skin from environmental damages, such as UV radiation and pollution, which are common sources of free radicals. By reducing oxidative stress, Stay-C® prevents premature aging and supports a more radiant complexion.

Lastly, Stay-C® has impressive brightening effects due to its ability to inhibit melanin production, the pigment responsible for dark spots and uneven skin tone.14 In reducing melanin synthesis, Stay-C® helps to fade existing dark spots and prevent new ones from forming. The result is a brighter, and more even complexion. By promoting collagen production, repairing environmental damage, and reversing hyperpigmentation, Stay-C® helps skin both look and function in a healthier way.

How My Derma Dream's No-Tox Skin Serum Makes the Most Out of Stay-C®

From our research, we at My Derma Dream have concluded Stay-C® is one of the most well-rounded brightening and anti-aging ingredients on the market today. So, to bring this powerful healing ingredient to customers, we've included Stay-C® as one of the four main components of our best-selling No-Tox Serum, the Botox-in-A-Bottle serum.

No-Tox is our revolutionary skin serum that harmoniously blends the firming, antioxidant effects of Stay-C® with other anti-aging compounds, such as hyaluronic acid, Argireline®, and Matrixyl®.15 Hyaluronic acid is a hydrating compound renowned for its ability to help the skin retain up to 1,000 times its own molecular weight in water, known to help smooth over fine lines and wrinkles.16 No-Tox is also blended with Matrixyl®, a peptide found to boost skin's collagen production to fill in fine lines.15 No-Tox also incorporates Argireline®, a peptide found to relax facial muscles similarly to Botox, without the need for painful injections.15

By combining Stay-C® expertly with these advanced skincare compounds, No-Tox Serum is meticulously crafted to deliver comprehensive skincare benefits in one potent formula. In pairing these cutting-edge ingredients, we've created a solution that not only tightens and firms but also brightens and protects your skin. For more information, or to treat yourself to plumper, younger-looking skin, check out No-Tox "Botox In A Bottle" Serum here.

FAQ's: What Else Do You Need to Know About Stay-C®?

Q: Who is able to use Stay-C®?

A: Stay-C® is one of the most skin-friendly ingredients on the market today, and I would recommend it to people with dry, oily, and combination-type skin. Stay-C® is also excellent for a wide age range. Its antioxidant and brightening properties are great for teenage skin, while its collagen-producing effects are excellent for individuals experiencing skin aging. As always, I recommend you patch test any new products; however, typically Stay-C® is gentle on the skin and effective for tackling multiple skin concerns.

Q: How many times a day can I use Stay-C®?

A: Like other ingredients in the No-Tox Serum, I recommend using Stay-C® no more than three times a day. Firstly, Stay-C® is best used in the morning and evening as a daily skincare. Using Stay-C® every day will help you gain its cumulative benefits. Secondly, Stay-C® can be used within an activator serum for an at-home spa device, such as My Derma Dream's MicroscultTM. Activator serums help at-home spa devices run smoothly across the skin, and also help to rehydrate the skin following a treatment.

Q: How long do the effects of Stay-C® last?

A: Typically, people will start to see noticeable improvements in skin texture, brightness, and firmness within a few weeks of consistently using Stay-C®. However, maintaining these positive changes requires daily use, as the skin is continuously exposed to environmental stressors like UV radiation and pollution. For the best results, use Stay-C® products daily along with an SPF to maximize and prolong the positive impact Stay-C® has on your skin.


While the science behind Stay-C® might seem intimidating, understanding this miraculous compound is more than rewarding. Stay-C® can lift, brighten, and heal your skin, for benefits in not just the way your skin looks, but also your skin's health. I hope this article has helped you sort through the basic science surrounding Stay-C® and sparked your curiosity to learn more about how this advanced form of vitamin C can enhance your skincare routine. If you have varying skin goals, from anti-aging to brightening, Stay-C® might be just what you've been looking for.


  1. Study discussing how vitamin C supports immune function:
  2. Study discussing the efficacy of vitamin-C in preventing infection:
  3. Study discussing how vitamin C lowers risk factors of chronic disease, particularly heart disease:'_Perspective_What_is_the_Optimum_Intake_of_Vitamin_C_in_Humans#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20combined%20evidence,least%20risk%20of%20inadequacy%20or.
  4. Study that highlights stabilized formulations of vitamin C are designed to last longer than traditional vitamin C:
  5. Study defining sodium ascorbyl phosphate (Stay-C) and discussing how is is converted into ascorbic acid in the skin:,enzymatic%20degradation%20in%20the%20skin.
  6. Study showing how ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (Asc 2-P), a long-acting vitamin C derivative, has been shown to stimulate transcription of genes for type I collagen, thereby increasing collagen production in fibroblasts:
  7. Article discussing vitamin C as a known potent radical scavenger and its crucial role in protecting the skin against oxidative stress induced by free radicals:
  8. Cleveland Clinic article defining free radicals and explaining their importance in healthcare:
  9. Scientific article discussing how free radicals are produced in the body, either by normal cell functions or external sources:
  10. Study examining how free radicals generated by UV irradiation and other environmental factors contribute to premature skin aging:
  11. Study demonstrating that free radicals are involved in skin discoloration and that antioxidants from plant extracts can reduce hyperpigmentation:
  12. Study discussing the link between free radicals in the skin and the development of skin diseases, including skin cancer:
  13. Study indicating that vitamin C and its derivatives, such as Stay-C®, function as powerful antioxidants by donating electrons to free radicals, effectively neutralizing their reactivity:
  14. Study that supports the role of Stay-C®, a stabilized form of vitamin C, in reducing melanin synthesis by an ether-derivative of ascorbic acid:
  15. My Derma Dream's No-Tox Skin Serum: stating hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water:
  16. Article stating hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water:

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