Unlocking the Spectrum: How Different Wavelengths of LED Light Revitalize Your Skin

Unlocking the Spectrum: How Different Wavelengths of LED Light Revitalize Your Skin

Why does LED light therapy have dermatologists, scientists, and skincare gurus alike clamoring to learn more about this revolutionary technology? Well, the thing that’s so magical about LED light therapy is that it uses every color of the rainbow, or every spectrum of light, to help people correct a whole bouquet of skincare issues, from acne scarring to wrinkles to hyperpigmentation. This skincare superpower means that people who purchase an LED mask, like our DermaGlow Mask, can tailor each LED session to their skin’s unique needs, especially as those needs change over time.

In your twenties, acne might feel like the biggest uphill battle your skin has ever faced. But then your forties hit, and no matter how many creams you layer on, you can never seem to get those fine lines to fill in…

Lucky for you and me, the LED mask is one device that has been clinically shown to tackle and improve all these skin concerns and more. To help you navigate the colorful world of LED therapy, we've created a quick guide on the LED light colors that are best suited for targeting any skin issues you’re up against.

Ruby Light (Red Light)

Ruby light, or red LED light, is one of the earliest discovered and most studied LED light colors. Red LED light works wonders in stimulating collagen production, thereby reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and enhancing overall skin tone. Clinical studies have also shown red LED light to be effective in reducing crow’s feet and improving skin elasticity. To turn back the clock on your skin, I would recommend setting your LED mask to the ruby wavelength.

Sapphire Light (Blue Light)

Sapphire light, or Blue LED light, penetrates the surface layers of the skin, and is a go-to for those battling persistent acne. Blue light works by targeting and killing acne-causing bacteria, preventing future breakouts. Additionally, studies have found blue light also helps regulate oil production and reduce sebum production, another common cause of acne. If breakouts keep knocking you back from your skincare goals, I suggest using sapphire LED light. 

Emerald Light (Green Light)

Emerald light, or Green LED light, has been linked to helping dark spots, hyperpigmentation and age spots vanish. Green LED light therapy works by targeting melanocytes, the cells responsible for pigment production, reducing their activity and lightening areas of hyperpigmentation on the skin. Green light has been shown in one study to have anti-inflammatory effects. If you’re looking to lighten unwanted dark spots, emerald LED light is definitely the right choice. 

Amber Light (Yellow Light)

Amber light, or yellow LED light, is the best option for people hoping to soothe their skin and reduce redness and inflammation. I highly recommend this light setting for anyone with fair skin, sensitive skin, or inflammatory acne. Amber light also stimulates lymphatic drainage to help deflate facial swelling or puffiness. So if your skin is feeling overwhelmed by redness or irritation, I would recommend beginning your LED journey with amber light.

Amethyst Light (Purple Light)

Amethyst light, or purple LED light, is a combination of both red and blue LED light, and it offers people the best of both worlds! With amethyst light, you can expect both skin firming as well as a reduction in the appearance of acne scars. Amethyst light uses blue and red wavelengths in tandem, helping people achieve a smooth, toned appearance. For people who want to give their skin a firmer and more even appearance, I recommend amethyst light. 

Aquamarine Light (Light Blue Light)

Aquamarine light, also known as light blue or cyan LED light, is your perfect answer for stressed and damaged skin. It’s a cooling color that is great for reducing skin inflammation and alleviating skin irritation. Aquamarine light combines blue and green LED wavelengths, so both it can help fight acne as well as lighten dark spots. If acne and dark spots are both target concerns in your skincare routine, aquamarine light is the best place to start.

Diamond Light (White Light)

Diamond light, or white LED light, penetrates the deepest beneath the skin's surface, facilitating profound tissue repair and promoting wound healing with remarkable efficiency. For anyone dealing with stubborn cystic acne that never seems to heal, this is the wavelength for you. Its broad-spectrum illumination also works wonders in evening out skin tone, leaving the complexion looking smooth and uniformly radiant. I recommend diamond light for people looking for a powerful healing treatment.


LED light therapy is one of the most exciting inventions on the skincare market, but to new users it can also seem daunting. I hope this guide helps you get your bearings, and that you now feel confident using these wavelengths to get back on track with your skincare dreams. No matter what your skin is going through, LED light therapy almost always has something to offer. So I welcome you to read through this list as many times as you need and find what resonates with you. By selecting the right LED wavelength - like our DermaGlow 7-in-1 Light Therapy Mask - and using your device consistently, the future of your skin is back in your hands!



  1. Healthline article describing the main facts surrounding LED light therapy, and providing an overview for the positive effects of blue and red LED light therapy: https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/led-light-therapy
  2. Study describing the positive effects of red LED light in stimulating collagen and elastin production: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33594706/
  3. Study describing the anti-aging effects of red LED light, particularly in reducing the appearance of crow’s feet: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/srt.13391
  4. Scientific article discussing the antibacterial effects of blue LED light therapy: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1011134419313405
  5. Article specifically exploring the impact of blue LED light on lipid production in human sebocytes, which are cells that contribute to sebum production in the skin: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25690162/
  6. Article defines melanocytes: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17314970/.  
  7. Study evaluating the effects of green LED light on inflammatory cells in skin burns through a histological study in rats: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26778264/
  8. Study demonstrating that yellow LED light can significantly reduce the generation of reactive oxygen species and decrease inflammation-related enzyme activities, indicating its potential as a calming and therapeutic tool for photoaged skin: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35181944/
  9. A study detailing that white LED light, which was applied for one hour a day for nine consecutive days to wounded animals, led to a lower incidence of inflammation and faster recovery of skin wounds in the treated group compared to the control group: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264035278_Wound_Recovery_of_Light_Irradiation_by_White_LED

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